Perspekti - Alban Football sh.p.k. Moda & Veshje Sporte Tirane
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Alban Football sh.p.k.

Industritë që Alban Football sh.p.k. përfshin

Moda & Veshje, Sporte

Detajet e kontaktit


Rruga Kolombo , Tirane
1238 shikime


We established Alban Football in 2014, with the mission to provide fans of the Albanian National Team worldwide, an online store where they can easily purchase the colors of the team they deeply love. We are the first and only online store dedicated to Albanian football. We exclusively carry authentic products of the Albanian National Football Team and other quality merchandise related to Albanian football. Our Story After years of struggling to find authentic Albanian National Team gear, we decided to start a business that would fulfill that need. Our guiding philosophy was simple: We sought to provide quality products and excellent service. We quickly built a reputation for providing only authentic merchandise and offering excellent service to our customers. We started with one product and quickly built a large collection expanding not only to Albanian NT gear, but also Albanian clubs such as Skenderbeu Korce and other fan-wear of Albanian footy. We're proud that we've shipped packages in over 30 countries worldwide.

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