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Data Centrum sh.p.k.
Industritë që Data Centrum sh.p.k. përfshin
Call Center
Nasi Pavllo, Pallati Dola, Tiranė
788 shikime
Data Centrum has 11 full-time employees and more than 80 part-time staff (interviewers, data entry operators, recruiters, etc.) from various backgrounds and experiences.
We have extensive experience in the following sectors:
Retail - Telecommunications
Call Center - Telecommunications
Lifestyle (food & drinks, household goods, services)
Energy - Gas
Real Estate
Mobile telecommunications
Dairy products
Media (TV, Radio, Press, Cinema, Internet, Outdoor)
We have various tools & methodologies at our disposal, including:
CAWI (Internet / Online surveys)
B2B Surveys
Focus Groups
Personal Interviews
Field Trials
Panel studies
In the past year and a half we have contacted over 45,000 individuals throughout all areas of the country.
We have undertaken projects for both multinational, foreign and local corporations, such as Vodafone, Telekom, ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile, Alpha Bank, Ambito, ANT1, Ogilvy, Optimum, Resoul, etc.
We are committed in using our experience in the market to provide a comprehensive range of services to our clients, and to set new standards in the field of market research.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
iContact sh.p.k.
Sherbime Call Center
TeleContact Albania
Data Centrum sh.p.k.
Data Centrum has 11 full-time employees and more than 80 part-time staff (interviewers, data en...
Teleperformance Albania
Teleperformance Albania was founded in 2008 to provide an off-shore CRM (Customer Relationship ...
ICC - Italian Call Center
Call center italiano a Tirana con mandati diretti Telecom - TIM
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Sherbime Call Center.
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.