Perspekti - Teleperformance Albania Reklamim Servise biznesi Tirane
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Teleperformance Albania

Industritë që Teleperformance Albania përfshin

Call Center, Shėrbime Biznesi

Detajet e kontaktit


Abdyl Frasheri, Tirane
1095 shikime


Teleperformance Albania was founded in 2008 to provide an off-shore CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution for the Italian market.

We started with an initial capacity of 100 workstations and we grew exponentially by roughly doubling that number every six months. Today, TP Albania operates from two main sites: one in Tirana, counting more than 516 workstations, and a second one in Durres, 40 km away, with about 749 workstations.

Our mission is to provide an excellent service from outside Italy by a tough language-skill selection process, by a highly motivated team and by the systematic adoption of Teleperformance Group world-class standards and tools.

Our employees' enthusiasm and professionalism, along with a solid and redundant ICT infrastructure, ensure a flexible, reliable and scalable solution for our clients' CRM needs.

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