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Hotel Princ
Industritë që Hotel Princ përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga Turistike e Fshatrave, Mali Robit, Tirane
816 shikime
Princ Hotel is a new hotel in Mali Robit, It's a beautifull hotel with big rooms, comfortable bed's, the hotel is only 5 minutes walk to the beach
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
ROGNER Hotel Tirana
Rogner Hotel is located in the city center of Tirana. As part of the Main Boulevard the Prime M...
MonarC Group
The clear choice in Tirana! Situated at the intersection of "G. W. Bush" road and "Zhan d'Ark" ...
Stephen Center B&B
The Christian environment provided in the cosy guestrooms of the Stephen Center is available to...
ABA Twentyfirst
Including a name that describes how far it is from the street below, there's a rumour going aro...
Hotel & Taverna La Ola
Hotel & Taverna La Ola.
Orka Restorant
Fresh Sea Food.
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