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Il Gusto
Industritë që Il Gusto përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Donika Kastrioti, Ish Blloku, Tirane
649 shikime
A comfortable environment, with a Mediterranean brush in every detail which will impress you by offering moments of relaxation. Our gourmet cuisine with delicately prepared dishes from our experienced chefs, will transform your visit into an unforgettable culinary experience.
Our wine cellar offers a wide variety of French, Italian and Spanish wines for an imaginary tasting travel into the most famous producers of Mediterranean wines.
Our location is beyond perfection. We are located behind the twin towers, surrounded by a colored wall of flowers, away from the noise and close to the most important government buildings like PM's office, the Parliament etc.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Pepper Pizza & Cocktail
Con Pepper sbarca a Tirana il piatto piu tipico dell'eccellenza gastronomica italiana: la pizza...
Livia Hotel
A bit overpriced for the location, what you lose in money you more than make up for in other wa...
Vila Padam
Padam Boutique Hotel and Restaurant, located in a beautiful classic villa in the heart of Tiran...
Rezidenca Tarraca e Ullinjve
In the touristic residence, The Olive Terrace, you can feel the sweet caress of the Ionian sea ...
SEMA&CO.AL sh.p.k.
Shoqeria eshte nje shoqeri e cila ende nuk ka filluar aktivitet ekonomik. Se shpejti do te ofro...
I pershtatshem per pushime familjare.Ndodhet ne nje vend te qete ne koder e mes pishave, larg z...
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