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Vila Kėrēiku
Industritë që Vila Kėrēiku përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Sheshi Avni Rustemi, Tirane
814 shikime
In the middle of a small arcade of historical buildings directly overlooking the Central Market, the recommended Vila Kėrēiku has been beautifully restored both inside and out and offers seven rooms, three with front-facing balconies and all with excellent facilities. Other incentives to book a room include an in-house pool, water and air massage, sauna and hamam.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Freddy's Hotel
Unquestionably among the best places to stay in the centre of Tirana considering they almost gi...
Best Western Premier Ark Hotel
BEST WESTERN PREMIER Ark Hotel is the idyllic choice for those who travel for business or leisu...
Hotel Basha
Hotel Basha.
Fish House
Prej vitit 2005, eshte nje ambient ne te cilin do te ndjeheni gjithmone ngrohte, si mes miqsh a...
Grand Hotel Pameba
Grand Hotel Pameba 4*, ėshtė ndėrtuar nė vitin 1996, nė lokacionin mė tė bukur pranė Plazhit tė...
Sheraton Tirana Hotel
Provoni njė nivel tė lartė komoditeti nė mes tė njė oazi tė gjelbėr pranė Parkut Kombėtar dhe L...
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