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Kompleksi Eiffel
Industritë që Kompleksi Eiffel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Tirane
973 shikime
Make your stay in Tirana an unforgettable experience by being accommodated at our hotel and by relaxing and swimming at the pools of our complex. We shall provide you with a professional and qualitative service.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Princ
Princ Hotel is a new hotel in Mali Robit, It's a beautifull hotel with big rooms, comfortable b...
Golden City Hotel
Golden City Hotel is located in the heart of Tirana, just 300 meters from the main Skanderbeg S...
Albania's first Best Western chain hotel overlooks the Dinamo stadium and boasts perfectly adeq...
Sar'Otel Hotel & SPA
Sar'Otel is a business hotel located in the heart of Tirana City hosted in a building since 193...
Hotel Kruja
Hotel Kruja was established in 1920 by Ismail Kruja.
Later in 1991 it was restored and restar...
Drymades Inn
Our company:
We are Drymades Inn and we love our job so we try to assist you within 24 hours.
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