Perspekti - The Rooms Hotel and Residence Tirana Hotele & Restorante Tirane
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The Rooms Hotel and Residence Tirana

Industritë që The Rooms Hotel and Residence Tirana përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Sami Frasheri, Kompleksi Nobis, Tirane
634 shikime


We take proud to represent to you one of the most luxuries hotel of Tirana.

The Rooms Hotel is a luxurious, elegant 4-star hotel situated in one of the best areas of Tirana, in a busy, lively area only a few meters away from the Park and the most beautiful lake of the City.

Whether you come to Tirana to join an event, working, do some shopping, or just stopping-by, The Rooms Hotel is a perfect alternative to other pocket-heavy fully bloated Hotels.

Situated in the southern part of the glamorous Blloku area with many bars and restaurants around, 100 meters away from the entrance to the National Park which contains miles of walking and jogging paths and a few tennis courts for activity and entertainment.

Adjacent to the most important and well maintained Lake of the city, The Rooms Hotel**** guarantees a unique location in Tirana.

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