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People Bar
Industritë që People Bar përfshin
Lokale & Klube
Detajet e kontaktit
Nikolla Tupe, Ish Blloku, Tirane
932 shikime
Bar Kafe People Bar.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Club Zone
Club Zone is an online guide about nightlife events organized by nightclubs, pubs, bars in Alba...
Bar Restorant Bliri
I pozicionuar nė Bllokun e Ambasadave , tek Rruga e Kavajės , Bar Restorant Bliri ėshtė njė amb...
Mumja Club
Originally located in the pyramid (hence the name) and now near the Millennium cinema, Mumja is...
Meduza Irish Pub
Varietet birrash dhe vererash. Ushqime te shpeja: Piadina,sandwich,wurstel,chicken wings, kotol...
People Bar
Bar Kafe People Bar.
Ēoko Bistra & Bar
Ēoko Bar was first opened in 2011, in a small corner in the very center of Tirana. Now we have ...
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