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Lollipop Club
Industritë që Lollipop Club përfshin
Lokale & Klube
Pjeter Bogdani, Tirane
938 shikime
With space for up to 500 party animals, the extremely well established and equally popular Lolipop is an achingly cool club for cocktails, gossip and the latest in house and dance music. Hosting such names in the past as the English DJ and producer John Digweed, inside find lots of brushed steel, sofas in vivid red and blinding polka dots on the walls.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Amsterdam Night Club
A popular club in the northwest suburbs with live acts every night. The focus here is mostly on...
Green Bar
Green Bar eshte nje nga baret me te mira ne qytetin e Durresit.
Restorant & Beach Bar DON MARE ne bregdetin e mrekullueshem te Dhermiut :)
Kompleksi Taiwan
Kompleksi Taiwan ėshtė njė nga komplekset argetuese mė nė zė tė Tiranės. Me njė sipėrfaqe shėrb...
Crazy Calvin
A popular club where live music dominates, this one specialising in the unusual and massively p...
Casa Bar Cocktails & Snack
Casa Bar ofron njė ambjent miqėsor ku mund tė shijoni kohėn e lirė me pjatat dhe kokteilet e ve...
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