Perspekti - SXD Kurse Praktike Kontabiliteti Shėrbime Financiare Tirane
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SXD Kurse Praktike Kontabiliteti

Industritë që SXD Kurse Praktike Kontabiliteti përfshin

Shėrbime Financiare

Detajet e kontaktit


Arkitekt Sinani, Brryli, Tirane
457 shikime


Our Accounting studio SXD FINANCE can structure a wide combination of services to assist clients for all financial needs in order to build a successful business.

We would like you to see the path into Albania in terms of our Market Entry Map. Our approach is both structured and flexible. Working closely with you, we can assist businesses at any stage of the market entry process. For both local and foreigner trade companies we provide specific financial advise. We appreciate that our clients want an approach that enables them to control the decision-making process.

We provide a bespoke service that meets these needs:
Book keeping with the computer program Finance 5, with the new system of SKK.
To complete in time and declare with accuracy the V.A.T, social security and health insurance, the income Tax of all kinds of evidences that needs to be consigned to the Tax Authority.
The confidentiality of all your data economical and financial accounts.
We give to you our fully support, reducing as much as we can your fiscal burden with our long experience of interpreting and knowledge of the fiscal legislation.
We respond to you in time record for any kind of information you need, such as the inventory of your ware-house, state of your clients, state of your supplier, and any other kind of information that you may need.
We take care in compilation of your yearly balance sheet and financial sheet at the end of your fiscal year. We consign those in the exact corresponding Tax Authority due in time and with the best quality.
We are licensed and therefore we afford our own expanses and fiscal obligation.
We do market research for the local and foreigner companies based on your best interests.
Financial adviser for the local and foreigner business.
We can assist you step by step in the internal administration of your company, trouble-freeing you from your paper work and building new strategies, in order for the headquarters or administrators to overtake an overview regarding your financial development.
Contact with us and you will be satisfied with the quality of our work, with our correctness, our Communication and devotion we show in our work. We will facilitate your work taking away all the burdens towards a simple monthly payment, making it possible to you to be focused in the progress and growth of your business.

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