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Balfin Group
Industritë që Balfin Group përfshin
Shėrbime Financiare
Papa Gjon Pali II, Tirane
1048 shikime
Balkan Finance Investment Group is one of the largest private investment groups in Albania and region. Group's investment portfolio can be classified in the activities of real estate development, retail, commercial and industrial space management and services, telecommunication, customer financing, mineral industry, tourism and agriculture.
Balfin Group is a well respected actor both in the Albanian and international markets operating in 10 countries.
Balfin Group has already established a reputation of its own as the most active and innovative Group, thanks to the successful investments ideas that have transformed and revolutionized not only the market but also the consumer behavior.
Today, with headquarters in Tirana, Balfin Group is present with its activity beyond the borders of Albania, in Austria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Dubai, Kosovo, Greece, Italy, Hong and USA.
With an ambitious vision, a collective commitment to excellence, a dynamic and honest business approach, a strong financial and administrative structure and a vast experience gained over the many years of investment and growth, Balfin Group has build a very strong presence in Albania and the international markets.
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