Perspekti - IFIBI - International Financial Institute of Banking and Insurance Shėrbime Financiare Tirane
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IFIBI - International Financial Institute of Banking and Insurance

Industritë që IFIBI - International Financial Institute of Banking and Insurance përfshin

Shėrbime Financiare

Detajet e kontaktit


Bulevardi Zogu I, Tirane
537 shikime


We teach what school doesn't while supervisors at work don't have the time to do it; all through practical tips of "do-s and don"t-s" on every job area!
Methodology of training is "coaching" approach to make the knowledge more tangible and easily applicable at work routine.
This is the unique value proposition we bring into the training sector; Deliver knowledge by sharing personal real, successful experiences on the management and sales area!
Topics of interest:
- sales skills and techniques on the way we attract, persuade, present customers our selling proposition. How we can leverage sales through the existing database of clients and how we can generate new ones. All with practical proven techniques and methods to be apply by the respective staff
- Effective communication as listener and speaker. Techniques and tips of how to be listened when we speak and how to listen to correctly understand the others; staff, colleagues, supervisors. Today bottleneck and source of conflicts and regrets are mostly the "lack" of being understood or having understood the others
- conflict and stress management; looks we have to leave with this environment so the way we manage to respond to stress can solve the conflicts easily and relax the tension among people involved
- interviewing skills; it's not just how to hire the right people, but how we ask, what to ask in order to get the information we want or need by different people we interact on our professional and personal life.
- Staying organized; looks everyone wants everything and priorities look to be hard of being listed. There are practical techniques how to get organized of identifying, listing correctly the priorities in order to lower the tension or perception of workload. How to delegate; to who and what might be the key of the time management for everyone.
- career coaching: everyone needs a second "thought/view" on what path to get for his/her future starting from what university to get up to what promotion career to follow. We facilitate people to find themselves where they fit or what really aspire through talks, open, alternative and closed questions.
- leading changes in organizations; including strategic changes, business models, products, operational or leadership to achieve the right positioning or adapting to the market and proceed a successful transformation and turnarounds of the company
- loss adjuster; mediate and estimate the respective claims among the insurance company and the insured party/parties to optimize the mutual relationship of them.

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