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2FAF sh.p.k.
Industritë që 2FAF sh.p.k. përfshin
Importe & Eksporte
Misto Mame, Rruga e Kavajes, Tirane
2618 shikime
Since the founding in 1994, 2FAF has always engaged on developing and manufacturing the hardware in building, mainly including aluminum profiles, accessories for aluminum profiles, glass, glass doors, floor springs, door clamps, door closers, glass door handles, electronic gate controls and household hardware etc.
The Company covers an area of about 4500 square meter now: there are about 58 employees.
The annual output of the products grows at the speed of 30%every year, meeting the ever-expanding market demand.
All staff of 2FAF know the absolute truth that quality wins market.
We carry out standardized production and quality management system, and overall implement ISO international quality control standard. The staffs receive comprehensive management and technical training. The principle of quality is the essence for enterprise to be survival and developing in market has been deeply implanted in the enterprise.
As time goes on, 2FAF improves quickly. In order to meet ever changed market demand in new situation, the Company improves the management model and internal system, so that they can meet the demand of enterprise development in new age.
People oriented, keep improving are philosophy of 2FAF. No matter in the past or in the future, 2FAF will acutely catch every chance, conform to market change. Accelerate development, constantly increase the competitive ability, and face every challenge in future with optimal status.
Quality of decoration product is shown in every detail. Just as 2FAF hardware, it silently and firmly shows its high quality and elegant grace in decoration world. Let people enjoy the beauty and convenience created by high tech industry. No matter vanguard, modern, nostalgic or classical, 2FAF hardware can add beauty and elegance to the product installed.
2FAF recommends that people shall feel his according to his attitude toward living and pave the road according to his dream. When the visual aesthetic feeling from the product meets up with constant inspiration, the infinite charm of whole space will be displayed. 2FAF products integrate inspiration and interests together and perfectly combine the function and art together.
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