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KERRI sh.p.k.
Industritë që KERRI sh.p.k. përfshin
Importe & Eksporte
Detajet e kontaktit
1199 shikime
The company was established in January 1997 operating with the trade of steel materials.
The cooperation started firstly with Greek suppliers and followed with imports from India, CIS Countries, Turkey, Egypt and China. The company has a good reputation in the market for the quality of the products traded, as well as consistency of supply.
The trend of business performance has been increased over the years, actually being the 2-nd largest in the sector, having a stable distribution network and stable clientele relationship maintained over the years.
Since yr. 2008, the company performs its activity in Vora, Tirana area in a modern storehouse of 2,600m2, lately expanding with the investment of a new state of the art storehouse of 4,100m2 very close to the existing one. The company has made additional investments in updated technology in order to expand the activity and produce at lower costs.
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