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Website design and developement with

Perspekti enables you to create and develop high quality and fully functional websites.

Build high quality websites at a reasonable price with Perspekti.
Build high quality websites at a reasonable price with Perspekti.
From: Ndricim Topalli
Published: 17/09/2018 20:48

What is a website?

A website is a collection of related pages that contain text, video, audio, photos, animations or interactive links that are identified by a single link, for example:

Websites have many functions and can be used in many ways; websites may be personal, commercial, state or non-profit organizations. Generally websites are dedicated to a specific topic or purpose.

How can a website help your business?

Websites are a necessity for entrepreneurs, small businesses, home-based businesses, and for someone who sells products or services. Despite other marketing methods, websites make it possible for potential customers to find you through a search on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc or learn more about you, as they may have seen other materials around you, and this is the key to discovering new customers.

If you sell services or products online, having a website is obvious. But even if you do not sell anything directly online, the website may serve as an extension of your card-visit, with information about you, your business, and the services you provide. Most importantly, your site should qualify your experiences, and other credentials that give you credibility and potential customers to create more confidence when deciding whether to make a deal with you or not.

What does Perspekti offer?

Perspekti offers you the ability to personalize and customize your website according to your and business needs and preferences.

There are some processes from the beginning to the end of a website, and Perspekti gives you the opportunity to collaborate in every stage during the implementation of the project.

Processes that Perspekti implements:

Website design stage meeting with the client

Website design stage meeting with the client

Website planning stage

Website planning stage

Website design stage

Website design stage

Website implementation stage

Website implementation stage

Website testing stage

Website testing stage

Website installation stage

Website installation stage

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