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Why do i need to register?

You can create an account with Perspekti and be able to use many services that Perspekti has to offer. Such services inlude: being able to add adverts yourself, manage your adverts and details, register for newsletters, receive adverts and articles by email in real time, contact other users, create friendships with other users and so on.

How do i register?

To register click here

How do i add an adverts?

To add an advert you will need to have an account with Perspekti. If you do not have an account with Perspekti click here.

When you have your account, login, and select the advert type you want to add an the left of the page.

What should i add to an advert?

It is very important that you are as consise and clear as possible when you create the advert. The clearer and the more consise is the advert the longer the users will read it. The longer the users read your advert the more likely it is that they will buy your product.

How can i add an image?

After you have added the advert details, a page for adding images will be shown. On this page you will see a button 'browse' that you need to click to select your image location.

When will my advert be active?

You can add an advert at any time from anywhere as long as you are connected to the internet and are logged in in your account. You can add the advert yourself from your account on Perspekti and advert details will be added and will be visible automatically.