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TeachAway Inc
Industritë që TeachAway Inc përfshin
Programe Kompjuterike
2344 shikime
Teach Away, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with offices in Vancouver and Australia, was established in 2003 to help teachers find reputable employment overseas.
Since its inception, Teach Away has grown into one of the largest and most diverse teacher recruitment agencies in the world. Teach Away is comprised of compassionate, honest, fun-loving education professionals that have lived and worked internationally.
Each year, Teach Away places hundreds of teachers in countries around the world including Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and more. Teach Away's partners include a wide range of educational institutions including: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools; International Schools; Public Schools; Businesses requiring English Language Instructors; Summer Camps; Adult Learning Centres; and Private English Schools.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Software developement
Horizon sh.p.k
HORIZON e ka realizuar ndarjen e gamės sė aktiviteteve tė saj qė nė Maj 2005 dhe ka arritur tė ...
Cribitt LLC (Cribitt, we, us or our) welcomes you. We're really excited that you have decided t...
Perspekti ėshtė hapur si kompani nė 2015-tėn dhe ka dhėnė prova tė jetė njė partner i besueshėm...
Localeyes Albania sh.p.k.
Perkthim dhe lokalizim shumegjuhesh, Data Entry, Projektim & Zhvillim Software
Kalemi Code_
Creators of Publer.
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.