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Shero Designs
Industritë që Shero Designs përfshin
Programe Kompjuterike
905 shikime
Our Company:
Founded in 2010, Shero is an eCommerce agency based in Hudson Valley, NY. Our focus is on Magento and eCommerce solutions, customized for our clients needs. We have a team of 20 people where 100% of the work is done in-house. We strive to be the one-stop source for established mid-size to big businesses who already sell or are getting started with selling online. The success of our clients is paramount; our job is to keep your costs down while building a versatile eCommerce website that can help your sales grow.
Our Beliefs:
Working with us is easy. At Shero, you'll find a highly responsive single point-of-contact. We use straightforward, easy-to-understand terms, and are happy to explain any aspect of your site, be it Magento, eCommerce, or SEO. We genuinely care about our customers, providing not only quality design and development, but also an understanding of how difficult it can be to manage a business in this day and age.
Our Aspirations:
Since our inception, we've remained at the forefront of technology, working to stay a step ahead of the rapid evolution of web services and software. Our team is composed of efficient and highly educated professionals from varied backgrounds. We are continually finding new ways to navigate the ever-changing world of eCommerce and website management.
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