Perspekti - Sidnej Albania sh.p.k. Prodhime Ushqim & Pije Berat
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Sidnej Albania sh.p.k.

Industritë që Sidnej Albania sh.p.k. përfshin

Prodhime, Ushqim & Pije

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Rruga Ushqimore, Tek Kompleksi Ushqimor, Berat
1563 shikime


For over 15 years , SIDNEJ has been producing a wide range of preserved fruits and vegetables, continuing the tradition of Berat , a south - central Albania city, recently included in UNESCO's World Heritage List.

The company is located in the heart of Berat's countryside, a virgin environment without pollution and smog, in a harmonious scenery where the basic ingredients of our preserves are growing among natural scents and colors. All fresh materials are handled with traditional methods, processed immediately after collection and Filled using modern machinery, to ensure authentic and unique quality. To meet the growing needs of the market ,the company has established a brand new facility in order to offer more products reflecting the Albanian culinary tradition . Today, SIDNEJ markets a range of 180 products: olives, processed tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil varieties, preserves and stuffed olives, different products marinade cucumber, pepper, mixed salad, peppers stuffed with cabbage, traditional jams , different compote. All products are currently distributed to the best gourmet shops and supermarkets throughout Albania, and are also exported to European and countries. Thanks to it's highly-skilled staff, SIDNEJ is in a position to meet all needs of the customers, including more details on how to produce private labels and customized recipes.

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