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ANTEA Cement sh.a.
Industritë që ANTEA Cement sh.a. përfshin
Kompani Ndėrtimi, Prodhime
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Kashar, Tirane
1402 shikime
ANTEA Cement Sh.A is one of the biggest investments with the highest standards applied in terms of construction and operation in Albania and a total value exceeding 200 million Euro. The company is 80% owned by TITAN, a Greek multinational cement company and 20% by IFC, a very well-known international financial institution.
The Plant was constructed by CBMI Construction Co, a Chinese construction company. Under the supervision of Titan Engineering which implemented the highest possible safety standards the project was completed on time, within the forecasted budget and with zero accidents.
ANTEA Cement has a production capacity of 1.5 million ton cement yearly and 3.300 ton clinker per day. The plant is located at Boka e Kuqe, Borizane which is 50 km away from Tirana, capital city of Albania. The plant serves not only local market demands in Albania but exports clinker and cement to Egypt, Montenegro, Lybia and Italy
Corporate social responsibility is a basic element of TITAN Group and consequently ANTEA's governing objectives and one of its corporate values. ANTEA has been constructed from the very beginning to ensure energy efficiency and environmental effectiveness, while addressing society concerns.
To ensure energy efficiency and environmental effectiveness the plant has been constructed with best available technologies. As an example, the plant uses closed storages for over 100.000 tons of raw materials, and all transportation of materials within the plant is via covered conveyors to decrease fugitive dust. The latest technology with vertical grinding mills which take less space is being used, ensuring a better environmental performance and higher efficiency in electricity consumption. ANTEA uses bag filters which although have higher operational cost guarantees a better environmental performance.
To address the societal concerns an elaborated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study (ESIA) has been performed by Atkins, an internationally renowned environmental consultancy company. The study included a survey of the societal concerns of the local inhabitants resulting to a five year Social Compensation Plan.
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