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Alban Costruzioni sh.p.k.
Industritë që Alban Costruzioni sh.p.k. përfshin
Kompani Ndėrtimi
Vangjel Noti, Laprake, Tirane
1054 shikime
The Alban Costruzioni sh.p.k. company, with the adress in Vangel Noti street (former Josif Pashko combine), Laprake Tirana, with the identifed numberof the legal entry (NIPT J61904069R), certified with the ISO 9001/2008 & ISO 3834/2006, manufacture of concrete centrifugal piles, is the unique factory and the earliest of its kind in the territory of the Republic of Albania.
This company has been founded in 1993 (30% the Albanian states capital and 70% of the IMNER srl). In February 2002, it has been privatized and has passed on the ownership of the IMNER srl company with a single partner, Dott. Claudio Michelacci.
Alban Costruzioni has qualified staff of engineers for the design and production of every type of artifact according to the orders or contemporary standards.
Since 2003, it is the principal supplier of KESH and OSSH for a working volume of 1.200 piles per month.
Alban Costruzioni has a laboratory for the quality control of the concrete materials, and produce materials that are accompanied with quality certificates.
The company's activity:
- The production of different concrete materials for constructions, specialized especially in:
Centrifugal concrete piles for electric and telephony lines.
Electrical concrete cabin.
Concrete structures
-Design and construction of the electric lines for the high, medium and low electric power.
- Construction for the water sewage and watering plants.
-Reconstructions of civil and industrial constructions.
1. The production of metallic structures:
Metallic piles for electrical networks.
Antenna for mobile telephony.
Handrails, doors, enclosuresand metallic stairs.
-Produce marble, granite and granulated stone products by order.
-Produce wood products like furniture by order.
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