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Luani Wine
Industritë që Luani Wine përfshin
Ushqim & Pije
Ish Ndermarrja Ushqimore, Berat
755 shikime
Founded in 1962, privatized in 1993 by the Berberi Family, privately operated with major investments in technology and infrastructure to the winery. Currently serving the Albanian market throughout with the majority in first class hotels and restaurants in Tirana. Products also available in Macedonia and Kososvo as well as a new market in the USA, primarily in New York City, NY state and Boston MA. Chosen as the house wine in some of the most desirable restaurants in NY area.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
A.M.G sh.p.k.
A.M.G sh.p.k is a private company founded by Goxha brothers with offices located in Tirana, Alb...
Meggle Albania Sh.p.k.
MEGGLE AG, headquartered in Wasserburg near Munich, is the parent company that bundles the acti...
Pizzeria Saporita
Pizzeria Saporita
Sheqer Pikant
Sheqer Pikant.
Birra Tirana
"Birra Tirana" ėshtė farika e birrės mė e madhe nė Shqipėri . Kompania shet dhe prodhon njė llo...
Pasta da Pucci
Pasta da Pucci.
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