Perspekti - A.M.G sh.p.k. Ushqim Tirane
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A.M.G sh.p.k.

Industritë që A.M.G sh.p.k. përfshin

Ushqim & Pije

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Autostrada Tirane Durres, Kashar, Tirane
2538 shikime


A.M.G sh.p.k is a private company founded by Goxha brothers with offices located in Tirana, Albania. The company established in 2001 as a result of the growing demand of the local market for frozen foods. The passion for ice cream was very old and the company the same year started to import one of the world leading brands of ice cream Algida part of Unilever. The company A.M.G sh.p.k is a trusted importer and distributor of quality frozen products and specializes in Ice cream, pork, poultry, pastry, seafood and vegetable products. As one of the frozen industry's leading importers in Albania, we carry many of the world's leading brands, such as Algida, Ioniki, Yupik, and Siblou etc. All these brands meet or exceed the global standards of quality as well as food safety and hygiene. With many years of robust experience, we have now a strong customer base covering all segments. With our main office located in Tirana, our customer base and distribution network have covered the whole territory of Albania.
This experienced distribution network has helped us to market the renowned brands successfully into the Albanian market. We are dedicated to accommodate the needs of our customers and further expand our business. With our already solid operation and logistics system, we maximize our service and market our brands directly to consumers. To solidify our business, we have a group of sales and marketing professionals who are empowered with tenacious persistence. Through various exhibitions, promotions and advertisements, we combine innovative ingredients and brand-building skills to attain mutual success with our clients and suppliers.

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