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Vila Alba
Industritë që Vila Alba përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Xhorxhi Martini, Tirane
701 shikime
Unlike many of its type, Vila Alba has been designed to fit in with its old Tirana surroundings for a change. Thoroughly modern inside, the halls and large guest rooms are decorated with modern paintings and works of art. Breakfast is served on the wonderful rooftop cafe, the Krystal Bar, open for all to try Viennese pastries and snacks.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Freddy's Hotel
Unquestionably among the best places to stay in the centre of Tirana considering they almost gi...
Hotel Elba
Ne ju ofrojme pushime ashtu si I keni enderruar ne nje atmosfere te mrekullueshme qe mund ta s...
Tirana Backpacker Hostel
Albania's first and perhaps best hostel is housed in a century-old Italian-style villa just off...
Britania Hotel
Britania Hotel eshte nje hotel luksoz me kater yje qe karakterizon luksin, prestigjin dhe mikpr...
Grand Hotel Pameba
Grand Hotel Pameba 4*, ėshtė ndėrtuar nė vitin 1996, nė lokacionin mė tė bukur pranė Plazhit tė...
Hotel London Tirana Center
Vetėm 20 metra nga Kalaja e Tiranės, London Hotel ėshtė vendosur nė zemer tė Tiranės.
London H...
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