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Tirana Backpacker Hostel
Industritë që Tirana Backpacker Hostel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Rruga e Bogdaneve, Tirane
1092 shikime
Albania's first and perhaps best hostel is housed in a century-old Italian-style villa just off Rr. e Kavajes. What makes this place great is the welcoming reception, relaxed atmosphere, summer garden, and affordable day trips they organise around the region. Facilities include free wireless internet and a shared kitchen. Breakfast is included in the price.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Bar Restorant Ajka
Bar Restorant Ajka eshte nje nga vendet me te mira ne Berat per turistet qe vizitojne kete zone...
Blu Mare Restorant
Restorant Blu Mare eshte nje nga restorantet me te mira te gatimit italian n Durres.
Xheko Imperial
Xheko Imperial is a hotel of the highest quality, featuring a refined alliance between luxury a...
Flower Hotel & Spa
As the newest hotel in the area we have implemented the latest trend of interior design to make...
Hotel Iliria Internacional
The hotel offers 24 rooms, all with balconies, 6 family-rooms, 9 double and 9 matrimonial ones ...
Restaurant/Camp LANDI
A camping site and restaurant owned by the Koka family, lead by Roland Koka (Landi), a wonderfu...
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