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Vila 3 Hotel
Industritë që Vila 3 Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Papa Gjon Pali II, Tirane
754 shikime
Seven smart rooms in a small 1930s villa set away from the street. Fitted out with flat screen televisions, sparkling en suite bathrooms and wireless internet, it's perfect for business trips. The two top floor rooms are large but have slanting ceilings and only skylights for windows. There's a good restaurant and pizzeria downstairs.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Paradise Plaza Resort
Resorti Paradise ofron keto sherbime:
Salle Sheraton 500 vende per dasma, evente
Restorant 20...
Kompleksi Fafa
Perfect accommodation in the perfect place
FAFA Resort is located in the area of Mali I Robi...
Kompleksi Halilaj
Ne kompleksin Halilaj do te gjeni gjithcka!!!
Oferte cmimi per cift eshte 5000 leke ;)
Royal Blue
Royal Blue Dhermi
Demi Hotel
Welcome to Demi Hotel, an impressive contemporary hotel, just a few steps away from the sea. Th...
Ambel Beach
Alpinizmi, montanjizmi, ecja nė kėmbė dhe kacavjerrja janė shumė tė pėrhapura nė zonėn e Drimad...
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