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Idea Hotel & Spa
Industritë që Idea Hotel & Spa përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Bulevardi Zogu I, Tirane
586 shikime
Excellent value accommodation with thrills galore, the only negative thing we really have to say about this place are the owners claims that the hotel is located in a lovely area. It's not, but don't let this put you off, because for the price this is really very hard to beat. All the rooms come with en suite facilities and free wireless internet, and, as the name suggests, there's an in-house spa.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Elysium Hotel Dhermi
Elysium Hotel - Your place in paradise!
Touched by the Ionian Sea, the recently built Elysium ...
Sheraton Tirana Hotel
Provoni njė nivel tė lartė komoditeti nė mes tė njė oazi tė gjelbėr pranė Parkut Kombėtar dhe L...
Restorant Arben Rexha
Restorant Arben Rexha.
Ylli i Detit Hotel
Located right next to the private beach with free-to-use sun loungers and parasols, Ylli i Deti...
Delicatezze di Mare
Ristorante di pesce.
Augustus HOTEL
Augustus HOTEL Dhermi.
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