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Art Hotel Nirvana
Industritë që Art Hotel Nirvana përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Rruga e Kavajes, Tirane
907 shikime
A good mid-range option just north of the city centre and located in the confines of a quiet courtyard, as the name suggests this hotel features rooms with a lot of paintings on the walls, all of them (the rooms, not the paintings) en suite and complete with all the trimmings including free wireless internet. The in-house restaurant is better than many.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Barracuda Hotel
Dhoma Teke:
Dhomat me dy krevate teke kane ne fokus akomodimin sa mė komod pėr dy persona. Nė...
Haxhiu Hotel
This family-run hotel is tucked away off the main street and set behind potted trees and flower...
Jurgen Hotel
An affordable and frills-free option close to the terminal building, Jurgen provides everything...
Hotel Kanione
Hotel Kanione.
Lion Park
Rinnovato nell'arredamento e nello staff, grazie alla maestria dello chef italiano Alessandro G...
Kroni Mbretit
MOTEL & VILA, Restaurant "Kroni Mbretit" ofron:
dhoma per pushim ditor
dhoma fjetje
dhoma p...
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