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Outdoor Albania
Industritë që Outdoor Albania përfshin
Agjensi Turistike
Sami Frasheri, Tirane
1099 shikime
Outdoor Albania is a leading travel operator with 25 years of experience based in Tirana, Albania. We offer group tours with set departure dates, Tailormade tours and Private tours in Albania and its surrounding counties, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece and Bosnia. Our client base is both independent travelers and trade partners
Our specialties include one-day and multi-day hiking tours and heritage tours. Our tours are focused on both Albanian nature and culture. We have also established ourselves as an authority for outdoor adventure activities in Albania such as cycling, sea-kayaking, rafting, snowshoeing and canyoning.
Our tours are itinerary based, nature friendly tours, with a combination of culture - in other words, we show you around the countries with stops at several different destinations along the way so that you can see, learn and enjoy as much as possible. We don't run package holidays with a single beach resort and we do not sell flight tickets either.
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