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Prime Club
Industritë që Prime Club përfshin
Lokale & Klube
21 Dhjetori, Tirane
805 shikime
Flashing lights, laser shows, slightly overpriced drinks and a range of music with a predominantly Turbo-folk/Tallava feel. Conforming to the unfortunate Albanian stereotype, find lots of macho men singing and gyrating on stage to a backdrop of scantily clad young (and not-so-young) women.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Ofrojme ekspres kafeje profesional rezistent nga ngarkesa dhe fluksi i punes, te fuqishme dhe t...
Matrix Night Club
A veritable monster of a club featuring a mix of live music of several genres and the chance to...
Bar Kafe 2 Palmat
Bar Kafe 2 Palmat eshte vendi i duhur per te kaluar disa ore te kendshme me njerezit tuaj te da...
African Beach Club
African Club was full concert schedule and tickets, live music, and tour dates in Saranda, Alba...
Crazy Calvin
A popular club where live music dominates, this one specialising in the unusual and massively p...
Cafe Ideal
Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and drinks.
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