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Detajet e biznesit nuk janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju. Ju lutem provojeni pėrsėri ose kontaktoni Perspekti.
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Spartan Security and Protection
Industritë që Spartan Security and Protection përfshin
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Tirane
1019 shikime
At Spartan Security and Protection we are pleased to provide your company temporary and emergency security guard services.
We work closely with you to develop security solutions that ensure the protection of your customers. Safe and secure customers build company goodwill and your bottom line.
Our staff is highly trained and recognizes the importance of customer service first. With well prepared and skilled security officers we are dedicated to your customer service needs. Our uniformed officers and officer management are selected for their professional demeanor, attitude and ability to serve your needs.
When considering security guard services remember that our commitment to creating the safest possible environment for your customers and employees has earned our reputation for excellence.
Depend on Spartan for security and protection. We look forward to applying our quality-based, results oriented approach to your success.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.