Perspekti - Vodafone Albania Servise biznesi Servise familjare Transmetim, Muzik dhe Film Tirane
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Vodafone Albania

Industritë që Vodafone Albania përfshin

Shėrbime Biznesi, Telekomunikacione

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Bulevardi "Gjergj Fishta", Tirane
855 shikime


Vodafone Albania Sh.A. is a mobile telephone company, operating in Albania. Vodafone Albania Sh.A. is a subsidiary of Vodafone Group Plc a global telecommunications leader.
Vodafone was introduced to the Albanian market in August 2001 through one of the fastest network roll-out's in the world. This built on the experience of Vodafone networks all over the world and became the second mobile company that started operations in Albania.
At the end of 2010 the Albanian government awarded the first 3G network license to Vodafone Albania for 31.4 million Euro outbidding Eagle Mobile which offered 12.5 million Euros. Both companies broke ranks with the other two mobile operators AMC and Plus after they had requested earlier that the Albanian government awarded more than one 3G license for fear of creating a monopoly. Hence, Vodafone Albania became the first operator that introduced 3G technology in Albania. It was first introduced in January 2011 in the capital, Tirana and other major cities. Currently Vodafone covers 99 percent of population with its 3G network.
Vodafone Albania was the first that offered 4G LTE services in Tirana and south Albania.
The company states that it offers a wide range of services to its 2 million customers in Albania. It also has a network of 139 shops across the country which provide services 7 days a week. Vodafone Albania shops offer products and services, handsets and accessories as well as technical assistance. The Customer Care Service of Vodafone Albania responds to the concerns of clients and is open 24hours in 7 days. Vodafone Albania is one of the leading companies in the Albanian market providing a significant contribution to the Albanian economy.

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