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Ju lutem kontrolloni emailin dhe provojeni pėrsėri. Nėse keni probleme kontaktoni Perspekti.
Pay & Go
Industritë që Pay & Go përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
Shkelqim Fusha, Albvizion Building, Tirane
766 shikime
Objekti kryesor i Shoqerise do te perfshije, : Ofrimin e sherbimeve te pagesave per publikun nepermjet automateve per te paguar faturat e ofruesve te sherbimeve perfshire por jo vetem, energjine elektrike, ujin dhe gazin, si dhe faturat per telefonine celulare, gjobat e policise etj; Shitjen e paketave telefonike tek klientet e shoqerive te telefonisecelulare; Shitjen e reklamave; Marketingun dhe tregtimin e pajisjeve elektronike.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Infocom Albania
The Infocom Albania brand, is now well established as the largest convention for ICT & Cyber Se...
Consulting & Management Albania
C&M Albania is an ISO Certified Albanian consulting and engineering company with a wide range o...
GFS Research Ltd
GFS Research e una societa innovativa creata nel 2010 a Tirana con lo scopo di offrire servizi ...
Apart from the construction, the Group has diversified its activity also to invest to other com...
EBRD Advice for Small Businesses in Albania
In Albania, the Advice for Small Businesses helps local SMEs grow, succeed, then grow again, be...
Kibe 1 sh.p.k.
Kibe I eshte themeluar ne vitin 1995, ėshtė laboratori i parė privat, pėr testimin e betonit dh...
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