Detajet e biznesit janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju.
Detajet e biznesit nuk janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju. Ju lutem provojeni pėrsėri ose kontaktoni Perspekti.
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Ju lutem kontrolloni emailin dhe provojeni pėrsėri. Nėse keni probleme kontaktoni Perspekti.
EBRD Advice for Small Businesses in Albania
Industritë që EBRD Advice for Small Businesses in Albania përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi, Shėrbime Financiare
Abdi Toptani, Torre Drini, Tiranė
557 shikime
In Albania, the Advice for Small Businesses helps local SMEs grow, succeed, then grow again, becoming genuine catalysts for their local economies, then their region.
We connect our clients to local consultants and international advisers who can help transform a huge range of businesses. From the smallest looking to grow to those going global, our expert network of doers, thinkers and advisers help our clients to step up and start thinking big.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
ADRA Albania
ADRA Policy on Photography and Videography
I 15 05 Photography and Videography
1. Ethics an...
Pay & Go
Objekti kryesor i Shoqerise do te perfshije, : Ofrimin e sherbimeve te pagesave per publikun ne...
Digicom sh.p.k
DIGICOM eshte nje nga kompanite me inovatore te komunikimit ne Shqiperi. Sepse per ne komuniki...
Profesionisti Recruitment Agency
Agjencia e Punėsimit Profesionisti pjesė e Ēelėsi Media Group, vjen nė tregun Shqiptar me qėlli...
FIAA Albania Foreign Investitors Asicciation of Albania
FIAA u themelua nga disa investitorėve tė huaj nė Shqipėri, duke e ēuar nevojėn e njė organizat...
Creative Designs
Creative Designs aim is to share different ideas together. Your designs will be published and s...
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.