Perspekti - Tirana EXPO Centre Shėrbime Biznesi Tirane
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Tirana EXPO Centre

Industritë që Tirana EXPO Centre përfshin

Shėrbime Biznesi

Detajet e kontaktit


Gjergj Balshaj, Tirane
541 shikime


Tirana Expo Centre was built in 2009 in conformity to the European/German standards of construction for the commercial buildings, with a total covered area of 13,000 sqm and 15,000 sqm of ancillary facility such as parking lots, external warehouse, etc.

Situated at a distance of 33 km from the port of Durrės, 12 km from the International Airport "Mother Teresa", 5 km from the centre of Tirana, and easy accessible from a population of more than 1 million inhabitants between the triangle of Tirana-Durrės-Kamėz municipalities, this commercial complex has the capabilities to become the first full optional trade fairs and event complex in Albania and beyond in the region including FYROM, Kosovo and Montenegro, and most of all has the practical knowledge and professionalism to become one of the greatest success stories for the Albanian business community and for the City of Tirana.

The mission of Tirana Expo Centre is to provide a new service profile, nowadays so much required in Albania by the local and international developers and companies, with principles such as "client orientated" and "network building" which we believe constitute the motto and agenda cornerstones of this new enterprise, the Tirana Expo Centre.
With these ambitions we are trying to access the local and international business of organizing trade fair events and exhibitions by exploring several communities, invited by offering them excellent business prospects and splendid facilities.

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