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Grant Thornton
Industritë që Grant Thornton përfshin
Shėrbime Financiare
Sami Frasheri, Kompleksi TID, Tirane
720 shikime
Grant Thornton is a leading professional service firm, serving a stable and loyal client base that includes many of the country's financial institutions, corporations and family owned businesses.
Our team offers a full range of professional services including audit, tax and advisory, combining deep industry and business expertise, broad global resources and technologies, helping clients to improve their performance.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
KPMG Albania sh.p.k.
Welcome to KPMG.
We are a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advis...
Balkan Consulting
Konsulence ekonmike, juridike, formime profesionale.
Yellow Strategy Consulting Group
With our investment banking experience, we take pride in serving as an entrepreneur and a busin...
Herion Ltd
Service of Consulting on Finance and Accountancy.
Veneto Banka Albania
Veneto Banka Sh.a ėshtė themeluar nė vitin 2005 mbas blerjes sė 100 % tė aksioneve tė ish-Bankė...
Bilanc Sh.p.k.
Programi Bilanc eshte zgjidhja ideale per dorezimin e informacionit ne organet tatimore pasi ai...
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