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Pricewaterhouse Coopers Audit PwC

Industritë që Pricewaterhouse Coopers Audit PwC përfshin

Shėrbime Financiare

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729 shikime


PwC established it's presence in Albania in 2005.
We are part of the PwC global network of firms - the world's leading professional services organisation, drawing on the knowledge and skills of more than 208,000 people in 157 countries.

As elsewhere in the world, PwC in Albania uses the benefit of its hand-on experience to provide a strong level of local understanding and support, in accordance with the international professional standards of the PwC worldwide organisation.

The clients of PwC in Albania are key players in the Albanian market, leading Albanian and international companies. We consider it our mission to help our clients find solutions to complex problems arising in the course of today and offer them services of the highest quality. To serve our clients best, we aspire to understand their business and specifics of industry they operate in.

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