Perspekti - Barrister Albania Shėrbime Kompjuterike Durres
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Barrister Albania

Industritë që Barrister Albania përfshin

Shėrbime Kompjuterike

Detajet e kontaktit


Rruga Egnatia, Blue Star Center, Durres
663 shikime


Barrister is a multi- vendor company that provides Help Desk, Networking, Staffing and Technician services. Clients such as HP opens cases for their customers and sends the case to Barrister to supply a quality technician to report to site to perform the scope of work needed from that client.
Barrister has been providing services for over 35 years and provides these services through many of the largest IT companies in North America, as well as direct to commercial accounts.
Barrister manages over 15,000 certified technicians through advanced web-based systems, providing on-site service to every zip code within the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Barrister served more than 252,000 locations throughout North America this past year alone.
Today, Barrister serves large enterprises, small to medium-size businesses, government agencies, small offices, home offices and consumers.

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