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Mirror Dream Apartment
Industritë që Mirror Dream Apartment përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Zenel Baboci, Tirane
745 shikime
The name here is a bit misleading as the simple studio flats they provide come with no kitchen facilities, although they are in the centre of the city and they do at least have free wireless internet. A good option if there are several people camping out here, otherwise you might as well book a hotel.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
White House
Hotel White House.
Europa Grand Hotel
This 5-star hotel is located in the centre of Shkodra and features a spa and fitness centre wit...
Eder Hotel
A small hotel with just five rooms of varying styles, all of them well enough equipped for trav...
Apartament nė Shėngjin
Apartamente shume cilesore dhe sherbim shume profesional!
Secret Garden Hotel
Featuring a small selection of en suite rooms, free parking and a host of other nice things, th...
Select Creperi & Snack
Select Creperi & Snack eshte nje nga restorantet ku do te gjeni ushqimet me te mira te shpejta.
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