Perspekti - Destil Hostel Albania Hotele & Restorante Tiranė
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Destil Hostel Albania

Industritë që Destil Hostel Albania përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Qemal Gurnjaku, Tiranė
691 shikime


What is Destil:
Destil is a combination of smart design and excellent service to maximize comfort for our guests. It is a mix of simplicity and abstraction that you can experience in different ways. Destil offers not only a different design style, but also a new style of spending your time

Variety of functions:
The mix of functions that complement each other offers you the possibility to interact in a social space. Activities that Destil offers you are thought to fulfill your needs throughout the day with 24 h service. The variety of things to do in Destil is the key factor for a wonderful experience

Comfort Design:
For Destil it's important to go to the basics of design in its interior & exterior spaces. The first thing you approach in Destil is a garden full of vegetation and trees under which you can get the chance to relax like in the yard of your house. The interior spaces is composed by existing the living rooms, open to each other that communicate with the bar so you can get full service everywhere you are but also get the privacy you need. The qualitative and smart furniture design provides the right comfort for our guests and has the right flexibility to transform the space into a restaurant, cinema, workplace etc.

Green Garden:
Destil is a house, where you sleep upstairs, and spend your time with interesting people willing to socialize in different spots of the building. The garden goes around the villa and gives you the feeling that you are out of an urban location. The Garden has 3 different functions: a place where you can drink a cup of coffee in the entrance, restaurant in the side part and in the back yard the workplace

Coffee, drinks, snacks:
The bar can be used as: coffee shop, cocktail and drinks and aperitif with variety of snacks for a lounge party evening

The workplace also can be used as a cinema, expo and presentation space. In this area there is also the 2nd bar of Destil and the kitchen

In Destil there are 27 beds divided in 4 rooms, two of which contain 5 beds, one has 8 and the other 9. Each room has the proper space for our visitors to have privacy

The facilities of each room are: comfortable bed, private locker, private bathroom, laundry, plug -ins and private reading and light in each bed

Common spaces:
Apart of the rooms Destil also offers a wide corridor where shoes lockers are located, a balcony which is connected to one of the rooms and a common veranda for our visitors

Hostel facilities:
The benefits of our hostel include also a rich menu of food and drinks, variety of spaces and activities to hang out, good location in a quiet neighborhood close to the main areas of the city

The Neighborhood:
Destil is located in a strategic quiet area with a walking distance of 10 minutes from the city center where the historical monuments are located, 10 minutes from the artificial lake the green park of Tirana and 7 minutes from the block where you can find the best bars and clubs.

Getting around:
The area is close to the two main bus lines of Tirana: Ring Road and New Tirana

Taxi spots just in front of the building.

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