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Joyel SPA
Industritë që Joyel SPA përfshin
Bukuria & Shėndeti
Rruga e Elbasanit, Tirane
901 shikime
Salloni i dizenjuar Joyel spa thekson bukuri dhe intimitet me njė traditė, sipas stilit Viktorian. Eshtė njė ēlodhje e vėrtetė nė kopshtin tuaj. Ne ju ofrojmė elegancė me njė ēmim konkurues.
Nė Joyel spa ofrohen tė gjitha shėrbimet estetike dhe kurative (masazhe, trajtime tė trupit, bustit, fytyrės, parrukeri, manikyr, pedikyr etj), qė kryhen me produktet e ēertifikuara tė linjės franceze, GERnetic International.
Stafi ynė profesional dhe i kulifikuar nga ishujt Filipine, ėshtė njė pjesė e rėndėsishme qė e bėn Joyel tė veēantė. Tė gjitha punonjėset kanė njė eksperiencė tė gjerė nė fushat e tyre pėrkatėse. Ju jeni nė duar tė sigurta kur vini nė Joyel pėr ēdo lloj trajtimi: estetik apo kurativ- shėndetėsor.
Welcome to Joyel spa and Beauty Salon. We are the only totally inclusive Spa in the CRSA, with a unique blend of beauty and wellness.
Joyel spa custom design salon emphasizes beauty and privacy in a traditional, Victorian setting. It is truly a vacation in your own backyard. We offer elegance at a competitive price.
At Joyel spa, we offer Manicures, Pedicures, Massages and Facials, all performed by licensed and certified technicians. We also offer a complete line of cosmetic, health, and beauty products from Gernetic.
Our professional and highly trained staff from Philippines, is an important part of what makes Joyel spa unique. All of our employees have had extensive training and experience in their fields of expertise. Your are in very capable hands when you come to Joyel spa for any health, beauty, or massage treatment.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Joyel SPA
Salloni i dizenjuar Joyel spa thekson bukuri dhe intimitet me njė traditė, sipas stilit Viktori...
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Rregullim i thonjve ne Pronails.
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Punimi i thoit me tips dhe me xhel dhe dizenjime nga te gjitha llojet.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.