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Hotel Imperial
Industritë që Hotel Imperial përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Ne Fund te Ures se Zaranikes, Elbasan
657 shikime
Hotel Imperial.
Hotel i ndertuar ne vitin 2009
.I certifikuar me 4 Yje.
I pajisur me 2 Restorante, 3 salla konferencash ,pishine e mbyllur, sauna, banjo turke etj
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Restorant MOMA
Restorant "MOMA" !!!
Per te bere sa me te bukura dhe te paharrueshme gezimet tuaja familjare s...
Haxhiu Hotel
This family-run hotel is tucked away off the main street and set behind potted trees and flower...
Tiku & Mato Restaurant
Tiku & Mato is a Seafood Restaurant in Dhermi.
Santa Quaranta Premium Resort
Located just near by the beach and with the special design of the building where all rooms have...
Grand Resort Lagonissi
There is a place where comfort, luxury and style are celebrated each and every day. There is a ...
Kompleksi Kriva
Location. Kriva is located near the river of Shkumbin in Elbasan.
Hotel Features. Kriva's res...
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