Perspekti - Camping & Pishina Riviera Hotele & Restorante Lezhe
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Camping & Pishina Riviera

Industritë që Camping & Pishina Riviera përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Rruga Shengjin Lezhe Km 1, Shengjin, Lezhe
813 shikime


Camping Cabins are a great way to enjoy the wonderful Albanian outdoors in a comfortable pre-erected shelter

Enjoy a star lit evening around a camp fire then retreat to the relative luxury of your cabin.

More and more people are recognising the benefits and convenience of this form of camping, with the added comfort and security a camping cabin provides. No need to set up or pack away your tent, a great bonus when the weathers not being kind.

From our economical and practical one- and two-room Kamping Cabin to our most luxurious Lodge, you're sure to find the accommodation that fits both your budget and your desires.

And with a variety of floor plans sleeping four to six people you can rest assured you'll find the same standard of cleanliness and care that Camping Riviera Shengjin is known for.

If you are looking for location in the country or near the coast, then you are on the right place.from

Not tried a Camping Riviera Shengjin before? Give them a go -comfortable, convenient and great value.

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