Perspekti - Drymades Inn Hotele & Restorante Vlorė
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Drymades Inn

Industritë që Drymades Inn përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Drymades Beach, Dhėrmi, Vlorė
1071 shikime


Our company:
We are Drymades Inn and we love our job so we try to assist you within 24 hours.

We are located in Dhėrmi village on Vlora city, Albania. The village lays 42 kilometers on the south of Vlora city and as for the north side is almost at the same distance to the south city of Saranda.

Our mission is very clear - provide our customers the maximum of service and choices.

Everything, from architecture, design details, food prepared with olive oil from our own olive trees, massage services and personal trainer, are designed to create an oasis of peace and relaxation, immersed in nature, making your stay here filled with the pleasures of life.

New seasson:
New seasson is coming faster than you are expecting!

After a rainy spring, we are happy to welcome summer and the new season as every year by the end of May. See you by the pool or at the sea. Let's create new memories together!

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