Perspekti - New W Hotel Hotele & Restorante Tirane
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New W Hotel

Industritë që New W Hotel përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Tre Vellezerit Kondi, Tirane
767 shikime


The New W Hotel offers something unique to each of its guests. The hotel is just a 15 minute walk away from the statute of Skenderbeu which is considered to be the centre of Tirana. The New W Hotel offers the most elegant and modern rooms in Tirana. It has been designed in such a way as to provide each visitor with a different experience. Every time a returning visitor comes to stay they will see a different perspective to the hotel.
From the designs of the lighting, to the designs of the walls, there is nothing the same in any room. Each has its own distinct personality, offering a different adventure.
The rooms can be adapted to facilitate any requirements that guests may have. The Hotel can also arrange for you to be taken to Dajti Ekspress (Cable Car), Saranda, Durres, Butrint, Berat, Gjirokastra, Tropoja and any other destinations you may want to visit in Albania.

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