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Shehu & Partners
Industritë që Shehu & Partners përfshin
Shėrbime Ligjore
Ismail Qemali, Ish Blloku, Tirane
679 shikime
Shehu &Partners is committed to helping clients achieve their business strategies and providing outstanding legal services. Clients depend on the firm's ability to find innovative solutions to complex business issues, and our lawyers use the firm's experience and resources to help clients handle these challenges. Our business platform is comprised of a single, integrated partnership focused on providing the most collaborative approach to client service.
The firm offers:
1. Deep experience in successful enterprise-transforming transactions and in defending bet-the-company controversies.
2. A solutions-based approach, providing innovative and sound commercial advice.
3. Optimally sized teams that provide cost-effective and high-quality services.
4. A culture geared toward establishing and nurturing long-term client relationships.
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