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Sar'Otel Hotel & SPA
Industritë që Sar'Otel Hotel & SPA përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Kostandin Kristoforidhi, Tirane
501 shikime
Sar'Otel is a business hotel located in the heart of Tirana City hosted in a building since 1938.
Tradition and bussines always meet each other, there where Kafe Mokka (1940-1945) prodly became the first.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Grand Hotel
The centrally placed Grand is still one of the city's best, and its small size adds to its char...
Ceni's Restaurant
Selling itself as a Mediterranean restaurant, Ceni's serves wonderfully fresh and original Ital...
Rifat Peshkatari Restorant
Rifat Peshkatari Restorant.
Krijimtaria dhe finesa e kuzhinės e realizuar me mjeshtėri tė madhe paraqet pjata tradicionale ...
Hotel President
Hotel President
Hotel Class
Hotel Class is located close to Tirana -Airport and just 10 km from the centre of Tirana, situa...
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