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Sar'Otel Hotel & SPA
Industritë që Sar'Otel Hotel & SPA përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Kostandin Kristoforidhi, Tirane
506 shikime
Sar'Otel is a business hotel located in the heart of Tirana City hosted in a building since 1938.
Tradition and bussines always meet each other, there where Kafe Mokka (1940-1945) prodly became the first.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Vila 3 Hotel
Seven smart rooms in a small 1930s villa set away from the street. Fitted out with flat screen ...
Vila Analipsi
Suita, studio,garsoniere te gjitha me kuzhina te kompletuara.
Hotel Bacelli
Ushqim cilesor me lakrorin me te mire ne zone.
Dhoma te reja te arreduara me shije...
New York Grand Hotel
New York Grand Hotel ne Golem!
Agjensioni Tri-A eshte agjension i licensuar nga Departamenti...
Del Mare Beach Bar
Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and drinks.
Hotel Dolce Vita
Hoteli posedon:
Salle konferencash
3 Restorante
4 Bare
Plazh privat
Pishine verore...
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