Perspekti - VIBTIS, Trade Investments Service Importe/Eksporte Reklamim Servise biznesi Tirane
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VIBTIS, Trade Investments Service

Industritë që VIBTIS, Trade Investments Service përfshin

Shėrbime Biznesi, Materiale Ndėrtimi, Importe & Eksporte

Detajet e kontaktit



Deshmoret e Kombit, Tirane
826 shikime


VIBTIS Ltd has been established in 30 August 2010.

Company activity is mainly focused in:
Import Export of industrial products and trading
Services which are connected with it's activities like Technical Consultancy.
Different services like assembly, welding, storage etc, with the support of a professional staff.

Some of the materials that VIBTIS trades include:
Plumbing materials like: pipes, valves, water meters etc.
Pipes of different kinds:HDPE, PVC, DCI, Iron, B&A ect, water supply system, sanitation, gas, oil refinery etc.
Plastic wells PE or PP, Lateral Connections, Wells b&a

VIBITS Ltd grows day by day.
Thanks to the reliability, credibility and the work of its dedicated staff our company managed since the beginning of its activity to collaborate with the major companies in Europe, to sign contracts with them and gain their trust as an authorized distributor.
VIBTIS is open to collaborate with international companies who need a strong and correct partner in Albania or other markets in order to deliver their products.
With the gained experience VIBTIS will continue to strengthen its market position by offering the best products in quality and price and by extending the sales in other markets of the region. We will continue to serve as best associate for the construction companies and in meeting their needs for the best products.

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