Perspekti - E-M-I Coaching & Consulting Shėrbime Biznesi Tirane
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E-M-I Coaching & Consulting

Industritë që E-M-I Coaching & Consulting përfshin

Shėrbime Biznesi

Detajet e kontaktit


717 shikime


E-M-I Coaching & Consulting is a firm committed to enhancing the performance of individuals and teams in workplaces. To this role, we bring more than 20 years of training, consulting, HR, and management experience from a range of industries, organizations, and sectors.

Our expertise, as a group spans a variety of topics, with a particular focus on updating and enhancing the human asset as a person or in the business through strategic programs in business and HR and performance management initiatives.

Particularly assisting:

people (individuals) chose and start their career, turn their small business entrepreneurial dreams into a successful reality,
teams at work (enterprises) to operate smartly in the dynamic environment by becoming more efficient, active and enthusiastic
drives E-M-I Coaching & Consulting to bring a wide range of coaching, consulting and support services. To learn about each of our areas of focus in more detail and request a free initial consultation meeting

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